Thursday, February 9, 2017

How to Lower the Risk of Oral Cancer

Personal habits can contribute to your risk of oral cancer. Therefore, it’s more productive to see oral cancer prevention through the lens of risk reduction. The best thing you can do is follow these tips to reduce your risk. If you aim to prevent mouth cancer entirely, pay attention, and take action now.  You can lower your odds of contracting oral cancer, or boost your odds of catching it early.

Quit or avoid tobacco use

If you want to help prevent oral cancer, quit tobacco use. All forms of tobacco use, from cigarettes to chew to snuff, increase your risk of cancer of all kinds. Quitting can help prevent mouth cancer. Prevention of oral cancer involves managing many factors, but tobacco is one of the most important. If you currently use it, quitting should be your top priority.

Don’t drink in excess

Quitting tobacco use is just one of the ways to prevent oral cancer. Reducing or giving up alcohol is another great tool in your oral cancer prevention toolbox. Excessive drinking can irritate the cells in your mouth, making you more susceptible to cancer. The more often you drink, the higher your risk. If you’re serious about preventing oral cancer, keep your drinks under two a day for men and one a day for women. There is some give and take; having multiple drinks once a month will present a lower risk than drinking two drinks a day for a month.

Brushing and flossing work wonders

Brushing and flossing will keep your mouth healthy. Mouth cancer prevention begins with healthy gums and mouth. A healthy mouth will reduce your risk of oral cancer by keeping your immune system strong. A weak mouth full of bacteria, cuts, and abscesses will weaken your immune system. This allows more potentially cancerous cells to flourish. Brush and floss, and your immune system will stay stronger for longer. Prevention of mouth cancer doesn’t have to be that complicated. Just stay on top of brushing and flossing.

Limit sun exposure

One of the lesser known causes of mouth cancer is sun exposure. You should limit your lips’ exposure to UV light. Not only will it help keep your lips looking younger, it can reduce your risk over all. Oral cancer causes major problems, as it can easily spread. If you have to be out in the sun often, invest in a UV blocking chap stick. You’ll reduce fine lines and wrinkles and engage in oral cancer prevention at the same time.

Visit the dentist regularly

For the most up to date information on mouth cancer, contact your dentist. In general, make appointments for checkups and tooth cleanings and stick with them. While your dentist checks your teeth, they can also look for unusual changes or growths in your mouth. A talk with your dentist about what causes cancer of the mouth will help you identify your highest risk factors. Your dentist can help you put together a plan to reduce them.

Oral cancer is treatable when caught early. Changing your personal habits may prevent oral cancer entirely. Do your part to take an active role in managing your risk. Visit Dr. Cureton, brush and floss, and cut down on sun exposure, alcohol, and tobacco use. You’ll look and feel better, while cutting out causes of mouth cancer.